Windows 7 End Of Life

For those of you still running Windows 7 on your computers, there is an important deadline approaching you need to know about.  Starting on January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer support and protect your computers with any software or security updates, making your computer vulnerable to a number issues.  Your computer will still function after that date, but just because you can continue to use Windows 7, doesn’t mean you should. What it means is that for any new viruses or secuitry problems that present themselves, Microsoft wont send patches or fixes to your computer protecting them as it has been and you’d be vulnerable to any emerging threats moving forward.

You will have to make a decision what to do with those older computers running Windows 7.

Your 2 options are to either:

  • Upgrade your existing computer to the current operating system, Windows 10
  • Purchase a new computer with Windows 10 already pre-installed.

Not all computers running Windows 7 should be upgraded to Windows 10.  If they are a bit older or have lower end specs, your computer may not be a good candidate for the first option listed above and a new computer purchase may be the better option.

Feel free to contact me to discuss your particular situation and we can come up with a plan prior to the deadline in January.

For more information from Microsoft, follow this link: Windows 7 End Of Life – Microsoft